Bollywood actress Hrishitaa Bhatt, who made a dream debut opposite Shahrukh Khan in Ashoka, admits that she had lost track in her career but says work is work and as long as the role is appealing she doesn't
have any inhibitions working in B-grade films.
"After my debut I got busy with my education and so couldn't concentrate on films and in between I did some films which were not from mainstream.
But I think work is work and as long the characters are
versatile, I don't have any problem in acting in such films. After all the show must go on," says Hrishitaa who acted in film like Jigyasa, apart from the critically acclaimed films like Hasil and Dharm.
Hrishitaa, who has paired up with noted actor Manoj Bajpai for her next film, Jugaad, says it has been a delight to work with the star.
"Manoj Bajpai is such a great actor and undoubtedly he was one of the reason that I signed the film," Bhatt says. So what is her role in the film?
"I play Manoj's wife, who is an ad agency owner. His office gets sealed during the Delhi sealing drive and it is about the emotional turmoil that the couple undergoes at that time," says the 26-year-lass.
But what about the title, Jugaad?
"The title has been kept Jugaad keeping in mind the character and the things that happens around that character and it suits the film to the T," she says.
Hrishitaa is also doing a film with Mithun Chakrabarty, called Don Muthuswami, directed by Ashim Samanta, son of Shakti Samanta.
"It is a laugh riot. I play the daughter of Mithunji who is a don. The unique feature of the film is that here the don doesn't bully people rather he makes them laugh," she says.
Thursday, February 07, 2008 12:08 IST