When Rakesh Roshan, currently in Los Angeles, saw Jodhaa-Akbar he did what he had never done before. He told his son that in Jodhaa-Akbar he has given his best performance to date.
Hrithik can't stop smiling.
"Dad completely floored me. He has never complimented me in my face.
Whatever his opinion of my performance he never expressed it openly so far. It was always understand between us that he
appreciated my performances.
But this is the first time he has come out so openly to support my performance. I'm overwhelmed," said Hrithik from Delhi after attending the premiere.
The response to the film and to his performance has so far stunned Hrithik. "People are saying such wonderful things. We wanted to make Akbar relatable to today's generation, and that's how he has turned out to
Speaking of how female fans have responded to his sinewy show of muscle power in the sword-practising sequence Hrithik laughs, "Why shouln't a woman in those Mughal times be shown deriving voyeuristic
pleasure watching her husband exercizing?
The idea was to make Akbar a timeless creation. I was apprehensive about reactions. But it all turned out fine, finally. Thank God for that. The reviews have been very kind.. We were lucky, I guess."
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 11:45 IST