Dream girl Jr., Esha Deol, recently underwent surgery for removing a mark on her forehead. That`s the reason why, at the recent launch of designer Neeta Lulla`s prêt-a-porter line in Pune, a lump was visible on the actress` forehead.
Esha, excused herself from being photographed, saying, `I've just undergone surgery and the wound is really raw. So please don't photograph me.` The photographers, rather uncaringly refused to pay heed to her request and continued to photograph her.When questioned about her performance at the box-office, Esha was hardly apologetic about the three flops she's delivered at the box-office. `Hey! I was only a part of the film. But I guess I need a more substantial role to sink my teeth into,` she explained. `In my debut film and then in Na Tum Jano Na Hum, I played characters that were reserved and shy.
I think with Kya Dil Ne Kaha, I finally cut loose playing this effervescent, bubbly girl that personifies today's youth,` she added with conviction.Her fans would hope that she recovers soon not just from her surgery, but from the downslide in her career as well.