Newly wed wife of Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt, Dilnashin Ahmed alias Manyata, today sought time to respond to the notice issued to her by the Salcete Mamlatdar Paresh Phaldesai (revenue official) on the
controversial residential certificate issue.
On her lawyer's request, the Mamlatdar adjourned the hearing to March 7. The former had questioned him for the basis on which the show cause notice was issued to her yesterday, questioning the valadity of the
The controversial certificate was produced in the marriage registration office on January 27 by the couple.
It was purported to have been issued to them without verifying the address proof by the concerned
village officer (Talati), who was later placed under suspension.
The marriage of Sanjay Dutt with Manyata is likely to be declared null and void if the authorities found the residential certificate fake. The couple may also face the music, if warranted, sources said.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 11:46 IST