On Saturday night when Hrithik and his wife Susanne were spotted at Anil Ambani's bash for Praful Patel's daughter, the invitees converged on the star of the evening with the most generous compliments.
The compliments haven't stopped pouring in for Hrithik ever since Jodha-Akbar hit the theatres earlier this week.
But the one praise that Hrithik will treasure forever came from the epic film's leading lady's father-in-law.
On seeing Hrithik's enchanting trance dance during the Qawwalli Khwaja mere khwaja the Big B observed that not since Stanley Kubrick's legendary sci-fi 2001 A Space Odyssey in 1968 had there been such an
apocalyptic moment on film.
"That compliment just blew my mind," says Hrithik emotionally.
"Doing Jodhaa-Akbar wasn't easy for me. That dance in a trance was specially difficult. When Ashutosh Gowariker explained the situation I
just didn't know how to go about it! In that moment of spiritual ecstacy what does my character experience? I was completely puzzled.
Then I was told that it was moment when Akbar connects with divinity. I
joined the Qawwalli singer to dance with one hand pointing towards heaven which was receiving the divine gift, while my other hand pointed to the ground which meant I was connecting the gift received from divinity to
people down below.
I was the medium, the recipient of divine communication."
Surely a historical moment in a film that crosses frontiers in every frame.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 11:49 IST