Aftab Shivadasani has strange luck. Many good directors such as Ram Gopal Varma like him but box office glory eludes him. In recent times, he has worked with many established names such as Rajiv Rai, Vikram Bhatt, E Niwas and Vinay Shukla.
The only time he has seen moderate success is when he has featured in multi-starrers like Love Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega and Awara Pagal Deewana. But that hasn`t deterred TV soap queen Ekta Kapoor from considering him for her next home production. She has zeroed in on Aftab to play the male lead. Apparently it is a horror film with a love triangle with one of the girls being the bhoot.
Doesn`t that sound a bit like Raaz? Well, but isn`t movie making all about getting inspired by each other?