In a new turn to the Dutt marriage saga, Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt and his bride Manyata have been directed by a Mumbai court to appear before it April 1 and prove the legality of their marriage.
The Bandra metropolitan magistrate Tuesday evening summoned the newly wed couple while hearing a case filed by Manyata's first husband, Meraj-Ur-Rehman who claims that he is still married to Dutt's
The court has issued notice to Dutt and Manyata, who will have to appear before the court and prove the legality of their marriage.
Rehman had said that Manyata was still married to him and the Qazi (clerk) who annulled their wedding was false. Rehman is currently in the Arthur road prison after he was arrested for sending obscene messages to
actresses and models.
Sanjay and Manyata tied the knot in a registered marriage in Goa after which they got married here as per Hindu rituals. However, the first wedding came under the scanner as the Goa marriage registrar's office sent a
show cause notice to Manyata as she had reportedly submitted a fake residential certificate at the time of marriage.
Following the notice, Dutt and Manyata filed an application before the Goa marriage registrar seeking to cancel their marriage, which was accepted by the registrar.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:44 IST