'Return of Hanuman', the 2D animated sequel to 'Hanuman', jointly produced by Toonz Animation India and Percept Picture Company, won the 'Best Animated Feature Film' at the Ficci-Frames 2008 held in Mumbai.
Toonz, based at the Technopark campus here, has now become a major provider of animation to the top US and European producers.
The Ficci-Frames BAF awards excellence in creative talents, animation, visual effects and gaming segments from across the world.
The movie, also converted into a mobile game, won a special Jury Award for outstanding contribution to Indian animation.
'Return of Hanuman' also won the award for the best-animated feature film at the Golden Cursor Animation Awards given by CNBC-18 and Aptech.
'These awards are a special recognition for the dedicated talents at Toonz, and I am sure that this will definitely spur us towards greater accolades,' said P. Jayakumar, CEO, Toonz Animation in press release issued here, Friday.
Founded in 1999, Toonz's client list includes the biggest names in media and entertainment like Marvel, Hallmark, Paramount, Disney, BBC and Cartoon Network.
Saturday, March 29, 2008 15:12 IST