Shah Rukh Khan, who owns an IPL cricket team, will give a year's time to the new venture and if doesn't work for him, it will back to films fulltime.
"It's not a winning business at this point in time..I won't be able to survive unlike other corporates in this business...So if it doesn't work for one year, then I'm back to basics...I'll be doing my films again," he said.
Khan, who has named his cricket team Kolkata Knight Riders, hoped that kids, who were his team's fans now, remained so even ten years later.
"I hope that kids who are 12 years old now and are Kolkata Knight Riders' fans (remain so) when they are 22. So, the whole idea is a long dream and I hope it gets fulfilled," he told a news channel.
Monday, March 31, 2008 12:20 IST