Bollywood actress Diya Mirza, who walked the ramp after a gap of two years at the Lakme Fashion Week (LFW), says she used to be scared of sashaying down fashion runways but has become confident over a
period of time.
Decked in a wave embossed long satin tube dress with a side slit and silver embroidery at empire the actress walked the ramp for designer Arshiya Fakih at the fashion fete.
"Two year ago I used to be fearful on the ramp but now I wasn't nervous at all," Diya told after the show here late Wednesday.
"I walked the ramp after two years and was very excited. It is easier to do a catwalk than acting but the adrenaline rush that you get once you are on the runway...that one distinct moment when all eyes are only on
you is just amazing," she added.
Diya said it was more fun to be backstage than being a part of the audience.
"The vibes backstage are just great. I think it is more exciting to be there than one among the audience. All the models backstage share a great bond and have great fun," she said.
"I had never tried a tube dress but it was so much fun wearing it. It is how fashion should be - wearable and comfortable. When one looks at the dress one must feel 'Yes I can wear it'. But I must say that it is very
important that designers pay a lot of attention to smaller details," the actress added.
Using fabrics like silk, satin and velvet, Fakih had crafted dresses and tunics of varied styles and designs. There were bubble dresses, dresses with gathered fabrics at the collar, pockets and waist, shirt dresses, print
dresses with pleated empire and satin dresses with puff sleeves.
The colour palette encompassed hues like black, silver, grey, magenta, blue and beige.
"The collection depicts the concept of a utopian world. To give the robotic feel, stiffer fabrics were used unlike my previous lines where I used flowing fabrics. The line encapsulated the sensuous and elegant side of a
woman," said Fakih.
The outfits were accentuated with embroideries in black, grey and beige and chunky precious stones.
Friday, April 04, 2008 12:09 IST