Questioning credentials of Bollywood filmmaker Ramgopal Varma, Super Cassette Industries Pvt Ltd has asked him why is he not giving his statement before Noida Police in connection with a allegation that he had cheated the company of 15 million rupees.
"If innocent, instead of going to the Noida police station and giving his statement, why is RGV giving statements to media? It can be nothing but his guilt conscience. Else, why is he not going ahead and meeting the cops when he knows he has a stay order," a company release said.
The release further said that the company is supporting in the investigation and is providing all the documents required by the economic offence wing (EOW) and complying with all the legalities.
"Why then is RGV going back and trying to hunt for issues that don't exist?" the company.
Monday, April 07, 2008 11:57 IST