While the spirited and sonorous 14-year old contestant Aishwarya walked away with the the winner's crown on Star's Voice Of India at the grand finale of Sony Entertainment's Mr & Ms TV it was the Joshis, Swapnil
and Purabi who walked away with the top honours.
It hasn't been easy-going for the reality show. Only a week old and it was already facing a man-power crisis!
The show which judged 6 male tv stars-- Chetan Hansraj, Kushal Punjabi, Karan Wahi, Karanbeer Bohra, Swapnil Joshi and Sanjit Bedi --and 6 female tv stars -- Nausheen Ali Sardar, Aashka Garodia, Jasveer Kaur,
Purbi Joshi, Priyanka Bassi and Shilpa Saklani -- for their dancing singing and improvisational skills turned a critical corner last week.
One of the male contestants Kushal Punjabi suddenly dropped out
because of a bout of malaria.
For the next two episodes the show's format had to be changed as one of the female contestants Jasveer Kaur was left partner-less after Punjabi's unexpected exeunt.
Finally the show ended without mishap. The finale also had the 4 stars, Sammir Dattani, Shaad Randhawa, Aarti Chabria and Shama Sikandar, of producer Shashi Ranjan's feature film Dhoom Dhadaka performing a jig
on the reality show.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 11:49 IST