South Indian actress Shreya Saran was allegedly molested by an employee of a monastery during a visit to the famed Tirupati temple. The actress slapped the man and handed him over to her security
The actress, who co-starred with Tamil superstar Rajnikant in last year's blockbuster 'Shivaji - The Boss', was allegedly molested in full public view when she was returning after offering prayers at the temple, some 180
km north of here, early Monday. Shreya did not file a police complaint.
The incident was repeatedly beamed on television channels late Tuesday.
'The man misbehaved with me just as I was coming out of the temple. I slapped him and my security personnel did the rest. I firmly believe that every molestation victim should do what I did,' the actress was quoted as
According to police sources who talked on phone from Tirupati, the transgressor was identified as Hari.
Hari, who is working in a monastery located near the temple, was handed over to the local police by the Shreya's assistants.
The man has since been released, as there is no case because of the absence of a complaint, sources added.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 11:52 IST