Bollywood actor Juhi Chawla is all set to appear on the small screen with an episodic appearance on Star Plus'
weekly show 'Baa Bahoo Aur Baby'.
To promote her forthcoming film 'Bhootnath', Juhi will make one of her rare appearance on television in the episode
to be telecast April 11 and 12 at 10:30 p.m.
The actor spent a day with the cast and crew of the show.
'We had a wonderful time with Juhi. She expressed her appreciation on the concept of our show. She has a very
warm and an endearing personality,' J.D. Mathejia, the producer of the show, said in a press statement here
Juhi supposedly has a liking for Gujarati cuisine and was treated to it at the show's sets.
Friday, April 11, 2008 13:31 IST