Noted Bollywood director Mahesh Bhatt released the autobiography of a bar girl titled 'Barbala' here last evening.
Written by Vaishali Haladalakar, the book is an open account of the travails a bar girl in society while purusing her profession.
"I have written the book with an open heart and have tried to bring out the life of bar girl for society to understand. The book containing 200-250 pages, and has an account of the travails I went through. It takes a great strength to put it down on paper. I have been able to do it," said Haladalakar.
Bhatt, who has directed series of widely acclaimed movies for Bollywood, promised to give the book a shot once he is through with the language of the book, Marathi.
"It is impossible to make a film on everybody's life but yes, an autobiography is an account of the person who has gone through the situation. It is better than plain imagination. The book is written in Marathi. I will read it, and if I find it interesting, I will make a movie on it," said Bhatt.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 13:40 IST