Pune residents relived the golden '70s as the soothing and melodious voices of ghazal singer Bhupinder and his wife Mitali resonated at the launch function of their new album 'Chand Parosa Hai'.
Bhupinder and Mitali have come out with an album after seven long years.
'We are planning more of such albums and would want to try more song writers. The new generation of writers is also very talented and we want to try them out,' said Mitali at the launch function here Friday.
The couple did not sing their popular numbers, but their new album has the same essence and sweetness of the golden era, thanks to Gulzar who has penned the lyrics.
One of the ghazals in 'Chand Parosa Hai' has been written in the memory of late composer R.D. Burman.
'Burmanda, Bhupinder and Gulzar were very good friends. I have seen them together. These days it is difficult to find that kind of closeness among people in the industry,' said Mitali.
Bhupinder used the platform to express his concern over piracy in the music industry and appealed to the people to buy original compact discs of their favourite songs.
He said: 'I request all of you not to make copies of the discs for friends. Encourage your friends to buy the original because it will encourage artists like us to create original music.'
Mitali said: 'In our industry if a song becomes a hit, then replicas of the style flood the market. All this is because of these hundreds of channels which continuously keep playing music all day long.'
The singing duo is planning to visit Vadodara, Bangalore and Delhi to promote the album.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 13:44 IST