Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Wednesday took exception to Union Sports Minister M S Gill's remarks about participation of politicians and actors in the Olympic torch relay run on Thursday.
"He (Gill) is the Sports Minister. Who will dare to argue with him? They are the government," Bachchan said when asked about Gill's comment on the issue.
Gill had disfavoured invitation to politicians and filmstars for the April 17 relay, saying they have little right to hog the limelight in the event. He wanted former athletes with distinguished careers and budding
sportspersons to be invited to carry the torch.
"It's their moment and VIPS, ministers, politicians or people from the entertainment industry have little right to carry the torch. It belongs to sportspersons," Gill told.
On the Indian Olympic Association's offer to participate in the torch relay, Gill said he had politely refused. "I do not think I should participate in the run. It is an exclusive right of sportspersons," he had said.
Gill had clarified that he would participate in the event as the country's Sports Minister. "I will be there as Sports Minister either at the starting point or at the finishing line of the torch relay," he said.
"The Olympic torch should be carried by real athletes like Milkha Singh and P T Usha and a group of 20 young sportspersons selected from across the country," the minister had said.
However, IOA chief Suresh Kalmadi had contested Gill's view, saying citizens from all walks of life could run in the event.
Thursday, April 17, 2008 12:41 IST