Bollywood icon Hema Malini released Lalitya Munshaw's fusion album of traditional melodies and contemporary music - ''Maika Piya'' here.
Speaking on the occasion held last night, Malini said as an artist has learnt and performed with masters of Indian music, the album should do well.
''I wanted an amalgamation of contemporary sound with traditional lyrics that would reach out to a large audience. Some of the songs are hundreds of years old, but are given a modern feel,'' said Munshaw at the
Conceptualised by Munshaw herself, ''Maika Piya'' has roped in a number of the industry's seasoned musicians including Sitarect Niladri Kumar, guitarect Chintu Singh, the flutists Ronu Majumdar and Kiran and Ranjit
Barot at the drums. The album is also supported by a title track video.
Classically trained Munshaw, a well known artist who has performed with Hariharan, Anup Jalota, Pankaj Udhas and Louis Banks plans to work on a 'romantic pop' album for her next project.
Friday, April 18, 2008 12:27 IST