Legendary Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan has now become closer and more accessible to people by sharing his views and replying to queries on his personal blog on BigAdda.com, an Indian youth network site.
'My blog will allow me to express myself, share and reflect my emotions, thoughts, opinions and listen to what people have to say to me,' Amitabh said in a press statement.
The users can access the superstars' blog at www.bigb.bigadda.com. The actor has promised that he will reply to his viewers if they write to him on his blog.
He believes that this medium will help him connect to the masses.
'This would help me to show the audience the real side to my larger-than-life image that they usually see through the media. Here, I can control and share my unedited thoughts,' Amitabh stated.
He added: 'Now I can share consequential replies to the inconsequential gossips that keep doing the rounds. My adda (blog) will be the only destination where I'll openly state my views and also discuss the same with all.'
Rajesh Sawhney, president, Reliance Entertainment, under whose aegis BigAdda.com works, said: 'We are happy that Amitabh has chosen our site to express himself and connect with the masses.'
Saturday, April 19, 2008 13:28 IST