The Madurai bench of the Madras High Court on Wednesday quashed criminal cases against popular Bollywood actresses Shilpa Shetty and Reema Sen, who were accused of conniving with a Tamil eveninger to
publish their obscene pictures.
Closing a petition filed by the actresses Justice S.Nagamuthu said the materials available on record did not make out 'any case' against them.
The judge, however, made it clear that the city magistrate court, where the cases were filed, may proceed with the trial against the first accused, editor of the eveninger Tamil Murasu in accordance with law, saying it
was for the trial court to decide whether pictures of Shilpa Shetty and Reema Sen published in the eveninger would fall within the definition of 'obscenity or not'.
T Dakshinamurthy, a city advocate in a case filed at a city judicial magistrate court, said the eveninger Tamil Murasu carried pictures of the actresses, which he claimed were 'obscene and lascivious'.
On taking cognizance, the judicial magistrate recorded statements of the advocate (complainant) and two witnesses, and issued summons to the actresses followed by issuance of non-bailable warrants against
Justice Nagamuthu also dismissed the contention of the complainant that the pictures of the actresses had been published with their connivance as a 'vague allegation'.
Thursday, April 24, 2008 12:33 IST