Bollywood star Aamir Khan has come up with an innovative, theatrical trailer teaser to promote his nephew Imran, who is being launched in 'Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na'.
The 2.5-minute trailer actually takes tongue-in-cheek dig at all star launches and all the hoopla over well-toned muscular bodies, including of Aamir who has toned his body for 'Ghajini'.
' 'Jaane Tu...' as a film has a very young idiom, the language and the tone of the film is very tongue-in-cheek. We wanted the teaser to reflect the same irreverence in attitude,' said Abbas Tyerwala, the film's director in
a press release.
The promos will show Imran as a huge well-toned muscular guy with all trimmings of a theatrical launch, only to reveal the real Imran who is a boy next door like his character in the film.
'Jaane Tu...' is Aamir's third production after 'Lagaan' and 'Taare Zameen Par'.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 17:45 IST