Bollywood actor Ajay Devgan, who is currently on the judging panel of Zee TV's reality show "Rock N Roll Family" along with his wife Kajol and mother-in-law Tanuja, is usually a calm and reserved man. But recently,
he lost his cool and stormed out of the set of the show.
The actor lost his patience when the existing families in the competition objected to newly selected families who were made to enter the show as 'wild card entries'.
'If you guys know best, then carry on. I will not tolerate a change of format halfway through the show," Ajay said and left the set.
He was irked by the existing participants' plea to alter the current format of the show.
He pulled Kajol along with him too.
'Rock N Roll Family' is a music and dance competition where three generations of family members participate. Initially, there were 12 families who participated in the show.
Brijesh from the Saxena family initiated the argument. He said: "It is unfair to introduce two new families at this stage of the competition. While we have struggled to reach this far in the competition, suddenly two new
families will just have a cakewalk on the show."
He also proposed the re-entry of those families who have already been eliminated.
Ajay reacted saying that even if the participants had any disagreements, they should have addressed it earlier.
He stated: "Whatever is happening will go on and whosoever has any problem should leave."
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 17:50 IST