Very few people turn down Aamir Khan and Chitrangada Singh is one of them. The thinking actress has opted out of Aamir's ‘Delly Belly', saying she was not very convinced with her role in the film.
She apparently had some creative differences with the new director. She says her perspective of the movie is different from the director's.
So, after going through the detailed script, she decided to decline the offer as she was not very satisfied with her role. She, however, said that the concept was fantastic. "Though ‘Delly Belly' has a great script, it didn`t work out for me. The director looks at the film in a certain way and I respect his decision," she added.
Earlier, Aamir Khan took the directorial reins of his production Delhi Belly from Swedish director Robert Nylund and handed them over to ad filmmaker Abhinay Deo.
Abhinay, son of erstwhile character actor Ramesh Deo, is sure to have been disappointed, because he strongly recommended the talented actress to Aamir Khan, who is producing the film. Chitrandaga had worked with Abhinay in an ad film earlier and left him mighty impressed.
Thursday, May 01, 2008 11:09 IST