After Sandeep Patil, Ajay Jadeja and others, the latest cricketer to be bitten by the Bollywood bug is none other than India Test captain Anil Kumble, who will star in the Pritish Nandy Communication's forthcoming comedy film 'Meerabai Not Out', slated for summer release.
Kumble will make his debut opposite actor Mandira Bedi, who will play a maths teacher obsessed with cricket.
The film would also star actors like Eijaz Khan, Anupam Kher and Mahesh Manjrekar in leading roles, a release said.
Directed by Marathi Director Chandrakant Kulkarni, the film will be produced by Pritish Nandy Communications in partnership with Sony Pictures and DQ Entertainment.
While the Sony Pictures has acquired worldwide distribution rights of the film, DQ Entertainment, the internationally acclaimed and AIMS-listed animation and entertainment company, has acquired a 50 per cent stake in the film.
''We could not be more excited to partner with Pritish Nandy Communications and DQ Entertainment on this enchanting romantic comedy,'' said Deborah Schindler, president of Sony Pictures International Motion Picture Production Group.
''This acquisition is precisely the kind of strong material that is the cornerstone of our local language initiative. When we find motion pictures as wonderful and engaging as this, we will aggressively pursue it,'' he said.
''This is a breakthrough production and we are delighted to take it global through SPE Films India and DQ Entertainment, our partners for this charming romantic comedy cast against the backdrop of cricket, our national passion,'' said Pritish Nandy, Chairman of PNC.
Tapaas Chakravarti, Chairman and CEO of DQ Entertainment, said ''Meerabai Not Out is a film we are delighted to partner with PNC and feel so good that SPE will take this beautiful romancing with cricket global.''
Friday, May 02, 2008 12:31 IST