Star One's Saathi Re girl Parakh Madan, who is debuting in films with Anurag Kashyap's Dev D, a spoof made on Devdaas, would never forget the first day of filming for the rest of her life.
And it's all because
of a bed scene that she had to perform quite boldly with her co-star Abhay Deol.
"The first scene, which was planned for shoot, was a lovemaking scene and I got a little apprehensive hearing it", the diva,
memorizing her first exciting day in shooting, reveals, "Anurag sir had already told me about the scene a day in advance and he made me comfortable in everything. But Abhay and I never met earlier."
adds further with a visible blush on cheeks, "We were just introduced on the sets while the bed was being laid, on which we had to lie and make love.
I mean it was a bit uncomfortable because you come to
meet a person for the first time and before you know him, you two are involved in an intimate scene.
It was very difficult situation but Abhay was very sweet and made sure that I don't feel
Well, that was really sweet of Abhay. But the comfort feeling of sweetness seems making the damsel blush more, sweetly though!
Saturday, May 03, 2008 13:08 IST