Actor Ruslaan Mumtaz, who's just recovered from a leg injury, plays uncle to young Tanay Cheda in upcoming comedy 'Mastang Mama'. And he says the child actor is actually much sharper than him.
The film, whose shooting started last week, has Ruslaan paired opposite TV actress Kulraj Randhawa. But it's Tanay, who played Darsheel Safary's best friend in 'Taare Zameen Par', who shares most playing-time with
the actor. And the boy is giving Ruslaan a run for his money.
Said Ruslaan: 'The boy is so sharp. At that age I was a complete dullard. Even now he gets the better of me constantly. The boy is 10 years my junior. But he seems to know so much about everything from the
sensex to mobile technology to camera angles. I don't think I stand a chance with Tanay,' Ruslaan joked.
The twosome has been bonding for the whole of last month through acting workshops while Ruslaan has been confined at home because of a torn ligament.
'In a way my injury proved a blessing for this film because I got a chance to rehearse. So there is a comfort level between me and Tanay. There're so many films on male bonding being made. The actors need to get
used to occupying a common space,' observes Ruslaan.
'And although he tends to get the better of me, I really enjoy bonding with Tanay specially because I'm an only child. I always wanted a kid brother.'
Monday, May 12, 2008 10:58 IST