South Indian film stars like Trisha, Saundarya and Charmi express their love for their moms on Mother's Day.
Here is what they have to say:
Trisha (Tamil-Telugu actress): I never do anything without the knowledge of my mom Uma, who even talks to the press on my behalf. We go to all public functions together. Of course, mom has given me the freedom to
choose my roles.
Saundarya Rajnikanth (Tamil superstar Rajnikanth's daughter): My mother is my inspiration for everything. She advised me on the multi-million deals with Adlabs and Warner Bros.
Vijay (Tamil actor): I owe my career to my mother Shobha, who not only convinced my father Chandrasekhar to give me a break, but also invested the better part of her savings for my debut.
Charmi (Telugu star): My mother is my greatest companion with whom I keep chattering away in Punjabi during breaks after every shots because she inspires me to perform better in the next one.
Mohanlal (Malayalam superstar): I consider my mother Santha as my godmother because, when I decided to pack my bags to go to Chennai after graduation, I got the green signal only from her despite the fact that
my father, then a senior government officer, did not approve of it.
Monday, May 12, 2008 10:59 IST