A sessions court in Mumbai today acquitted Bollywood actor Navin Nischol and his brother Pravin from the charge of abetting in the suicide of Navin's wife, Geetanjali.
Additional Sessions Judge B D Kamkhedkar acquitted them, saying no case was made out against the brothers.
Geetanjali had committed suicide last year and had left a note blaming the brothers for her death. She had stated that Navin was undergoing financial crisis and that she was depressed because of his drinking.
She also blamed Pravin for harassing her mentally.
The brothers were arrested on April 28, 2007 after Geetanjali's death.
The Nischols were charged under Sections 498 A (Cruelty and Harassment to a Woman) and 306 (Abetment to Suicide).
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 12:04 IST