Bollywood actor Aishwarya Rai played the perfect 'bahu' (daughter-in-law) during the shooting of Ram Gopal Verma's "Sarkar Raj", as she took special care to ensure a good lunch for husband Abhishek and father-in-
law Amitabh Bachchan on the sets.
Aishwarya religiously supervised the food being cooked for Abhishek and Amitabh and would ensure that their favourite dishes were always on the menu.
"It is special when you shoot with the family. But our lunch hour was the only hour when we were together as a family. After lunch, we would all get in the skin of our characters and get back as unit members of a film,"
Amitabh told reporters here Friday.
The film, a sequel to the 2005 film "Sarkar", is special for the Bachchan family as it features Abhishek and Aishwarya together for the first time after their wedding in 2007.
Earlier, the two shared screen space in "Kuch Naa Kaho" (2003) and "Umrao Jaan" (2006). In 2005, the couple along with Amitabh performed the hit item number "Kajra Re" from the film "Bunty Aur Babli".
Saturday, May 17, 2008 10:39 IST