Mahesh and Mukesh Bhatt's film on cricket bookies and match fixing, 'Jannat', has set the cash counter ringing and the producers give the credit to the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL).
At the celebration party for the success of the film here Wednesday, Mahesh said 'Jannat' could draw a good crowd for opening because of the IPL tournament but the product was also good.
'It is true that it got a huge opening primarily because of the IPL, but IPL alone cannot make a film hit. The cricket fever initially made people go to the film but the consistent collection is due to the (quality of) product.
The product is good and so the people liked it,' he said.
Director Kunal Deshmukh, who made his debut with the film, said that he never expected such a good opening.
'It came as a surprise to us. We knew that we have made a good product but never accepted such a huge success.'
The film opened with a record of 85 percent collection in Mumbai and 90-95 percent in other major places of the country. The film has maintained a good collection throughout the week.
'Jannat' has received the highest opening in 2008 so far, film trade sources said.
Friday, May 23, 2008 11:38 IST