Bollywood actor, Shah Rukh Khan has asked the Centre to remove the Value Added Tax (VAT) and Service Tax on
the entertainment industry and sought the conferment of de-facto industry status today.
Khan said that it is imperative to bring the entertainment industry under the "Concurrent List" so that it can be
governed by Central rules and enjoy tax concessions announced by the latter from time to time.
At present, the entire entertainment and film industry comes under State Government's jurisdiction because of
which, it is unable to enjoy the dejure industry status conferred on it.
Khan would release a study on the entertainment industry this evening, highlighting the need for the removal of VAT
and Service Tax.
The study has been done by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham).
In the study Assocham said, "Retaining the industry in the State List deprives the tax concessions given by the
Assocham has also called for the enactment of the Optic Disc Law to combat piracy. Such a law has been
introduced in Malaysia and Hong Kong and the results have been encouraging.
The Government has set up five groups on piracy, taxation and custom duties, exports of films, promotion,
development and marketing for films.
The Central Excise department under the Finance Act of 2007 has issued notices for the recovery of Service Tax
from the industry in cases of renting, leasing and letting out immovable properties.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 11:30 IST