After actors like Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Govinda and Salman Khan, it is now Bollywood heartthrob Hrithik Roshan's turn to join the reality show bandwagon.
Hrithik has been named the goodwill ambassador of NDTV Imagine's new musical reality show 'Junoon - Kuch Kar Dikhaane Ka' scheduled to start June 6.
'I am very pleased to be associated with this show. I can identify with the participants and their desire to achieve success. I can relate to their positive and exuberant spirit because I believe I have a similar enthusiasm - be it for my work or my personal life,' the Bollywood star said.
The actor would neither be hosting, judging or performing on the show. Hrithik would instead be a support system for the contending participants and teams on the show.
Commenting on the association, Shailja Kejriwal, executive vice president of NDTV Imagine, said: 'Hrithik epitomises the passion, which is present in all the talented artists that are part of the show.'
The show, being hosted by Annu Kapoor of 'Antakshari' fame would have three teams - folk, sufi and filmy - contesting to become the country's most popular genre of music.
The teams, each having six contestants, would be mentored by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan (sufi), Ila Arun (folk) and Anand Raj Anand (filmy).
Saturday, May 31, 2008 14:33 IST