Marathi theatre artist and Bollywood actor Dilip Prabhawalkar, better known for his role as Mahatma Gandhi in the superhit "Lage Raho Munnabhai", has hit out at the T20 form of cricket, saying that "the true charm of the gentleman's game is lost in its present form".
Prabhawalkar says that the Indian Premier League (IPL) has unnecessarily commercialised the game.
"The cheerleaders, the glamour and all the other ingredients have lessened the spirit of the game. The glamour element has taken over the sports, which was not needed," Prabhawalkar told.
An ardent cricket fan, he said: "Why should the actors enter into cricket to promote the game? It is already such a popular game."
Prabhawalkar, who plays an important character in Ramgopal Varma's next release "Sarkar Raj", said: "I have watched many matches of IPL, but I think the actual flavour of the game is in its longer versions such as the one-dayer and the Test."
"Test is still the most original form of cricket, which should not lose its popularity.
In a 20-over-match, the permutation and combination of the game is changed where it is difficult for even the best of the bowlers to have a maiden over. Besides, the actual skill of a batsman is also not tested," he said.
Monday, June 02, 2008 15:04 IST