Bollywood filmmaker Raakesh Roshan is yet start shooting for his forthcoming movie "Kites", but the Bollywood trade circles are rife with speculation that prominent distribution company Eros International has bought
the world rights of the movie for an unprecedented Rs.1 billion ($25 million).
Some reports put the figure at Rs.1.2 billion, saying that besides buying the world rights Eros has also bought the music and satellite rights of "Kites".
But neither Filmkraft, Roshan's production banner, nor Eros have confirmed the reports.
"It is just a speculation in the market," a Filmkraft source told Saturday.
The movie, starring Hrithik Roshan and the US-based Spanish model Barbara Mori, is scheduled to start next month. To be shot mostly in New Mexico, Las Vegas and Los Angeles, it will be directed by Anurag Basu
with music by Rajesh Roshan.
The movie is about the romantic engagements between an Indian boy and a Latino girl who do not speak each other's language.
Monday, June 02, 2008 15:28 IST