rgvzoomin.com...That's where you go to get a dekko at Ram Gopal Varma's blog which he started this week.
This, from a man who until the other day swore he would never blog!
"But blogging sounded like so much fun! It sounded like a very naughty activity. Besides everyone who's worth anything these days is blogging. I couldn't be left out, could I?" reasons the man who loves to do the
Ramu admits he was influenced by the Big B's triumph on the blog. In fact the mega-star urged the director to take the blogger's plunge.
"At first I laughed off the very thought of starting my own blog. I kept wondering how Amitji would sustain the blog on a day-to-day basis. Then I saw how passionately devoted he was to it. I grew interested."
However Ramu makes it very clear that the his intentions and purpose for starting a blog are very different from the Big B. "The Big B's big blog is a full-on day-to-day affair. He talks about his day-to-day activities.
I think he basically sees it as a platform to express his thoughts unhampered and to communicate his thoughts with his audience.
I won't be going to rgvzoomin.com every day. I've neither the urge to
tell the world what I'm doing with my private space nor the time or patience. And catch me carrying a laptop to my set to indulge my mental-blog! I lose my cellphone every month. I'd have to spend a fortune buying new
Here, then, is the blog's raison d'etre for Ramu. "It's to express my thoughts on my films. For instance everyone thought Nishabd was based on Lolita when it was not.
If I had my blog at that time I could've
explained why it wasn't Lolita. At the moment I'm taken up with Sarkar Raj. So I've started by sharing my thoughts on Sarkar Raj. Next, I'll start discussing my other new film Contract."
Does the presence of the print medium now become redundant for Ramu?
"Not at all. I'll be carrying on a conversation with myself on the blog. The processs of thought expression becomes very different when questions are thrown at you.
I don't see my blog as a substitute for
interviews. And I think my calculated quotable quotes would go to waste if I were to put them on my blog."
How often will Ramu go to his blog? "Certainly not every day. I'll have someone to monitor the inputs. And if I think a query needs to be answered I'll do so. "
Monday, June 02, 2008 15:29 IST