Taking a cue from Bollywood stars, television actors have also started blogging. And the first off the block is Ram Kapoor, better known as Jai Walia from serial 'Kasamh Se'.
'I always wanted to blog. It promised a one-on-one with fans, that's the most exciting thing an actor can experience, ' Ram Kapoor wrote in his first entry on the blog.
On why he started blogging, he says it is a medium to connect with his international fans.
The actor wrote: 'While viewers in India got a fair share of me through local and national publications, it was mostly one-way interaction. I did - someone wrote - you read.'
'Very rarely did I get to hear the viewer. Fans out of the country didn't even get the small doses of 'masala' (spice) that tabloids tended to dish out so effectively.'
Ram is one of Ekta Kapoor's blue-eyed boys and has stuck to the television czarina ever since his debut in her serial 'Ghar Ek Mandir'.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008 13:29 IST