The war on the reality shows hots up. While one Bhojpuri star Manoj Tiwari hosts Chak De Bachche on 9 X, his cut
-throat rival Ravi Kissan has now been roped into host another reality show entitled Ek Se Badhkar Ek.
As far as reality shows are concerned, the software producers are playing hard ball.
After trying everything from making tv actors dance in Nach Baliye and Jhalak Dikhla Jaa to making little kids sing
like angels on Voice Of India, television now does the mix 'n' match thing.
In Ek Se Badhar Ek which starts airing on Zee in the first week of June, UTV has decided not to borrow the format
from other shows, as other reality shows are prone to do.
And here's the unique spin. A group of singers and a bunch of tv actors will sing and dance, respectively.
Says one of the participants from tv, sworn to secrecy.
"Our brief is to keep it freewheeling. Anything can
happen. But right now the basic format is that we tv stars dance to one singer who will accompany us throughtout
the 24 episodes. So if the singer isn't up to the mark my performance as a dancer suffers, and vice-versa."
The opening act for Ek Se Badhkar was recorded on Monday.
The secert final list of performers from television are Purbi Joshi, Kushal Punjabi, Shayantani Ghosh, Apoorva
Agnihotri, Amrapali Gupta, Jasveer Kaur and Rajshri Thakur.
And the singers are, Aneek, Sumedha, Poonam, Sucheta, Harpreet, Sumedha,
Get ready for a double dose of ego clashes. Because now we get not just tv actors with their massive selfworth
swinging to a beat, we also have singers from music contests who think the 'song' rises from their backyard.
Thursday, June 05, 2008 14:05 IST