Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan turned the tough school master when he punished his close friends, actress Rani Mukerji and director Karan Johar, on the reality game show 'Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass Se Tez Hain'.
In the episode to be aired Saturday, Shah Rukh, who plays host on the show, made both Rani and Karan stand on their chairs for cheating from the audience for their very first question.
On the show, Rani revealed that she always wanted to make it big but was not sure of her direction. She also expressed her wish to return happiness to her parents for all the hardships they have faced in her growing years.
Karan, on the other hand, spoke of how as a kid, he wanted to be a barber. He was even denied admission in school when he was asked about his ambition and he answered that he wanted to be a barber.
Friday, June 06, 2008 13:45 IST