Veteran television producer Manish Goswami has joined hands with Bollywood's veteran producer Subash Ghai in launching a film production house, Red Carpet Films Ltd. The production house has already signed four directors for their forthcoming films.
Subhash Ghai and Manish Goswami have signed on Shivam Nair (also director of Ashtavinayak's Maharathi), Suhail Tatari, Ajay Chandhok and Mahesh Kothare to direct their upcoming projects.
After having years of experience in television industry, Manish Goswami is excited to become a part of film fraternity.
"It is a progress that I am walking from one section to another. It's a growth for me for stepping in films from television, " speaks Manish Goswami. Coming on films doesn't mean that the producer would be quitting television altogether.
"I will continue making television serials also with some meaningful concepts. But at the moment I am just concentrating on my films", concludes Manish.
Friday, June 06, 2008 13:49 IST