Prem Chopra, the Bollywood baddy of his time, has turned into an item boy. Albeit the dhun of the information seems little offbeat it's absolutely true. He has tapped his toes well with bold beaus twirling and swirling all
around him. His steps have shown the nonpareil enthu that any youngster can get jealous about.
This veteran actor is playing Prithviraj Khanna, the retired Indian Embassy in Singapore and uncle to Mashhoor, in Mashhoor's debut film Humse Hai Jahan. Mashhoor has played the lead in this film along with
directing it. Though Prem Chopra is playing a retired person, he looks more energetic than his other co-stars in the film.
Like his famous dialogue "Prem naam hai mera, jo bhi karta hoon prem se karte hoon", Prem Chopra has done this item with a lot of prem.
Almost extinct on screen now-a-days, the great actor has been well
used by Mashhoor. It was really refreshing for the cine-lovers to see an actor like Prem Chopra after so long.
And for the best part, this rejuvenation can stir some of the big names of Bollywood like SRK,
Hrithik and the likes to rethink about their item appearance in films.
Item boys and girls all over, beware there is a new competitor coming in your way!
Saturday, June 07, 2008 11:18 IST