Sikandar in his acting debut, Woodstock Villa, has portrayed fine acting skills. Sikandar Kher, who plays the Casanova, is very confident. He suits the image of a playboy, who constantly gets into trouble. It does not look like this is his first performance on screen.
Though the film has few dialogues, Sikandar says his lines well. He is perfect in his acting. We wouldn't be surprised if Sikander Kher wins the style icon award of the year.
The performance of the debutant actor Sikander Kher is absolutely awesome. He has surely made his presence felt at the screen and has proved his acting skills and sure has a star potential.
He is attractive in his own unconventional way and does complete justice to his role. He can do well as a serious actor. He is strong on presence and exudes dewy freshness and confidence.
Sanjay Gupta has a history of introducing newcomers in his films in a very stylish and sleek manner. Sikandar's introductory shot on the bike depicts the same in Woodstock Villa.
As per the trade buzz after the IPL has got over there has been 75% rise in Woodstock Villa's collections. Sikandar is all set to carry forth the legacy of his illustrious parents, Kiron and Anupam Kher.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 11:54 IST