With his unmatchable and extraordinary performance, actor Rahul Bose has made his presence felt with every of his films. The extraordinary list of films includes his recent Bengali release Anuranan by Aniruddha Roy
Choudhury and an American production Before The Rains which is directed by Santosh Sivan.
But there is not the end that someone can draw about Rahul's career. This veteran actor has another role to play in his real life and it's of a Rugby player. He has already represented India in lots of the tournaments.
Now the veteran is busy preparing for taking India to the World Cup qualifier in the Asian Zone Rugby Tournament to be held in Bangkok.
It's a quadrangular knockout tournament which would be a
big step for India in impressing the world of rugby. "The best 32 nations play the World Cup. India is ranked 83rd. and has been playing rugby for 100 years.
We were recognized only 10 years ago and have
decades to go before we reach the World Cup, " explains the actor depicting a real player.
It really glorifies not only the Bollywood for having such a versatile actor among them but also the nation for witnessing such passion for a game played to heighten the name of the nation.
But the glory seems
not lasting for long as this is going to be his last match. "I have had two major arthroscopies, six broken fingers, including two shattered thumbs and three broken noses. The most serious one was when dirt was
kicked violently into my eyes.
I almost lost my eyesight because there were 210 pieces of stones stuck in the corneas of both my eyes, " Rahul explains the reasons behind leaving the game.
Rahul may leave the field of rugby but his contribution to the game will always receive accolades in the Indian history of rugby as his roles get in his films.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 11:12 IST