In a relief to Bollywood actress Rani Mukherjee, the Aurangabad bench of Bombay High Court today granted a stay on the orders of the Srirampur SDO asking the actress to pay a penalty of Rs 66 lakh for land bought by her at Nimgaon Korhale village, near Shirdi in December 2007.
The Sub-divisional Officer had issued a notice to the actress, asking her to pay a penalty of Rs 66 lakh by April 15, failing which the land would be taken into Government custody.
The notice stated that the plot purchased by her was on a ceiling land and that she should have sought the permission of the district collector before buying it. Rani had failed to do so.
Rani's father and holder of power of attorney Ram Mukherjee had filed a petition in the Aurangabad bench on April 4, challenging the notice of the sub-divisional officer.
In the petition, the actress had urged the court to cancel the notice.
On April 9, Justice N H Patil of the High Court bench issued directives to maintain status quo in the Shirdi land deal case.
After completion of hearing today, Justice N H Patil granted a stay on the orders of the sub-divisional officer.
Friday, June 20, 2008 12:13 IST