Amisha Patel is poised to set the silver screen on fire with her sizzling act in the upcoming Yash Raj production film "Thoda Pyar, Thoda Magic."
The glamorous actress, who is paired opposite actor Saif Ali Khan in an scorching item number "Lazy Lamhe" admits it is really a hot number.
"Well, whether I am looking sexy or not, you have to watch the film, but yes for the first time I am wearing clothes that I never wore before, " says the sultry actress, who
made her acting debut with the blockbuster "Kaho Na Pyar Hai" in 2000.
"This song is really hot and will be the turning point of the film. You will see much more of me. My character Mallaika is different, but entertaining in this movie, " she
Amisha, who has stayed away from the big screen for quite sometime, will be seen together with Rani Mukherjee and Saif Ali Khan.
This film would also be the first time that Amisha and Saif Ali Khan would be seen together on-screen.
The beautiful actress also declined that she is following the 'dare bare' trend set by other actresses like Soha Ali Khan who posed for a magazine shoot or Kareena Kapoor
who was seen in a sexy bikini avatar in Yash Raj's recently released "Tashan."
"No, it has no connection with all those dare bare trend going on in Bollywood, " she clarifies adding that "It was the demand of the character."
Saturday, June 21, 2008 13:28 IST