Known to be India's biggest soap factory Balaji telefilms is all set to jump into the unreal world of reality shows with their upcoming show Kaun Jeetega Bollwood Ka Ticket to be aired on 9x.
According to the
concept the winner pair of the show will get the golden opportunity to act in a multi-starrer Bollywood blockbuster. Out of the 24 participants 12 will be popular celebrities of the small screen, remaining will be people
from different walks of life.
They will be judged on their acting skills and dance skills. The 4 zones will be pitted against each other in this quest to find the next big 'lead pair'.
The television celebrities
shortlisted for the show are Vikas Manecktala, Mihika Verma, Raj Singh Arora, Chetan Hansraj, Krutika Sehgal, Twinkle Bajpai, Reshmi Gosh, Naman Shaw, Panchi Bora, Jai Bhanushali, Abigal and Karan Patel.
Well the actors list seems to be mostly filled by the ones belonging to the Balaji camp. It looks like soap Queen Ekta Kapoor is making sure that her company and actors too benefits by getting promoted
through this show. Wonder what would be the faith of the other participants who are not TV celebs and just common men.
Friday, June 27, 2008 13:13 IST