It was just a month ago that Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor have openly said in the media that they have no plans of getting married in the future and are just concentrating on their respective careers.
it seems the duo have a very short memory as chote nawab has again expressed his plans of tying the wedding knot with the gorgeous bebo.
Saif also said that he would be announcing his marriage date in
the media pretty soon. But we aren't confirmed regarding Kareena's stand on the same.
We all are aware of Saif's possessiveness towards this hot babe and maybe that's the reason the actor looks in a hurry
relating to his marriage with bebo whereas Kareena always appears to be more matured on this topic.
And why wouldn't she be after all she is having a great time career wise and knows that being a married
woman does affect your career in this glam-world of Bollywood.
Well, we would have to wait whether this Bollywood pair finally ties knots or there is going to be yet another twist in this romantic tale.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008 12:49 IST