Shreya is finding it hard to sleep after getting back to town on completion of her shooting schedule for Tamil film Kandswami.
I can guess that your thought process is skyrocketing with several points that
should be working behind Shreya's sleeplessness. Firstly, she maybe too excited about her film, secondly maybe the reason that she is anxious about the film and third, which is very obvious with glam babes, she
maybe in love.
As normally we associate sleepless nights with love there is no harm in thinking that Shreya must be in the cloud nine with some handsome hunk from south.
But quite unfortunately, the story over hare is little different. Her insomnia isn't related to falling in love with someone but the reason behind it is shooting in Mexico.
We are all aware of the time difference of 10
hours between India and Mexico. That means when moon is seen in India, people in Mexico are getting ready to start another day.
Returning from 25 days schedule in Mexico poor Shreya is finding it hard to get adjusted with the IST (Indian Standard Time). The schedule has completely changed her bio-clock.
Throughout the night she
can't sleep and on the other hand a rising sun tolls the sleeping bell for this Bolly-babe and she bids goodnight (if allowed) to the entire world.
Shreya says that it would take another couple of days to get adjusted with this natural phenomenon. Until then the actress has no other options than to count the stars looking at the dark sky.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008 13:41 IST