Manoj Bajpayee is in the reckoning with not one but five films. There is Moeny Hai to Honey Hai with Ganesh Acharya, Jugaad wiht Anand Sharma, Acid Facotry and Blade with Sanjay Gupta, and Rjneeti with Prakash Jha that sees the actor in diversified roles.
Wonder whether the actor's surname spelling change has anything to do with that. Ask the actor and he however explains that this was his original spelling that he wants to get back to now.
"The industry hanged my spelling at different credit lines across different films. And I didnt really bother but now I felt that I should be particular about it," says the actor.
Wonder if wife Shabana who has something to do with this surame spellchek if not the numerologist!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008 11:51 IST