Actor Rahul Bose, who has written the screenplay for his film 'The Whisperers' that was showcased at the ongoing Osian's-Cinefan Film Festival, says it is easier to act than to write a scene on paper.
'Acting is much easier than writing. It is difficult to write stuff and than put it into making, ' he said at a press conference held after the screening of his film.
This is the second time that Rahul has tried his hand at screenplay writing. The first time he did it for his directorial debut 'Everybody Says I'm Fine'. He has written it this time for his friend Rajeev Virani, who is the
director of 'The Whisperers'.
'Rajeev is a dear friend. So there was no question of saying no to him, ' Rahul said.
Rahul has played a negative role in the film that is a two man psychological thriller.
'I think it is more difficult to choose a morally right path in life and I guess that's why I chose to play a negative character in the film, ' Rahul quipped.
He spoke of his second directorial venture that is based on a Pakistani novel 'Moth Smoke' by Mohsin Hamid and said: 'It will be a tough film as the novel is tough as well.'
Rahul has experimented with a variety of roles in his career, but has not really acted in a horror film. But he believes that in some way he has been able to accomplish that also with 'The Whisperers'.
Thursday, July 17, 2008 12:31 IST