Actor-director Mahesh Manjrekar says he has made a special appearance in Neeraj Pandey's 'Fast Forward' for Sonia Jaffer, his dance partner from reality show 'Jhalak Dikhla Jaa'. She is making her debut as a
choreographer with the film.
'I don't know why people are going on asking me about my role in 'Fast Forward'. I am only making a special appearance in the film.
Actually my choreographer from 'Jhalak...', Sonia Jaffer got her first break
with the film and she asked me to do it. I couldn't refuse. She was so good and she taught me so much. I have done the role only for her, ' Mahesh told.
Manjrekar, who was last seen in one of the stories in 'Dus Kahaaniyaan', will now feature in 'Pankh'. However, he makes a deliberate attempt to avoid media glare.
'I just do my work. I don't party after working like others. I have my own set of friends with whom I discuss better story ideas, views and scripts. So I channelise my time in a productive way, ' said Manjrekar, who
directed films like 'Vaastav' and 'Astitva'.
The filmmaker was in the capital for the 10th Osian's-Cinefan Film Festival of Asian and Arab Cinema that was held here from July 10-20. His film 'The Saint Who Thought Otherwise', directed by Amol Shetge, was
screened at the 11-day gala.
Since Manjrekar has also been a director, wasn't there a clash of opinion between Shetge and him?
'I don't interfere with anyone's work and Amol doesn't believe in what others say. He always does his own things, ' he concluded.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 14:52 IST